Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Getting Started

Hi.....i'm Kristen. I'm a mom of two wonderful children & wife of a very hard working man. I spend my days taking care of my 9yr old daughter & 1yr old son, cleaning, cooking, & fixing this & that. I also homeschool our daughter. In my spare time I sell things on ebay and if i'm lucky I can enjoy a nice hot bath. Then the weekend comes and we're at car shows.
I have always wanted to start a blog, but never really had the time. After alot of research, I finally decided it was time. So, please bare with me, because i'm still figuring this out.
I've had many ideas for a blog and I have many inerests. So I thought i'd just do them all. I plan to write about family, life, food, & also plan to  do reviews on beauty products, movies, & kids toys. I'm sure I will have many more things to add in time.
I'm a very social person, so if you have any questions or even suggestions, please don't be shy.

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